One Nation, Under God

Phillips County Museum News for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

“Hello, Number please”. Do those words sound familiar to anyone? If so, it may be an indication of your age! Those were the words that Lois Goodheart, Darl Crowder, Loretta Bebee, Allie Ereaux, or Myrna Kroon would have used when they were the Malta operators for the local telephone system.

Switchboards had four sections, with two covering the same phone numbers. Long distance calls were given top priority at all times. Living and working in a small community, these gals also did wake calls, the local doctor would call and let them know where he was for lunch in case he was needed, calls came in wanting to know local basketball and football scores, and even a few calls from children wanting help with homework questions!

The last call that came in to the switchboard was from Stine’s Night Club and answered by Bunnie Olson. Roger Ereaux gave a dinner for all the operators who were losing their jobs as the new dial system came. Benny Milks provided live music at the dinner. The old switchboards are displayed in the Museum today. Museum hours are 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.


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