One Nation, Under God

Memories for Wednesday, August 2, 2023

10 yrs ago

July 31, 2013

Phillips County Sheriff Scott Moran was advising residents to lock their vehicles after a crime spree hit town. A vehicle was set on fire at the depot, which had been stolen in Minnesota. A man walked into a yard, stole a wallet and credit cards; another vehicle was entered, and in the items stolen were a checkbook. Another vehicle was entered, and cash and a checkbook were stolen. A 2003 car was stolen from the Sportsman Motel. The suspect in all the crimes was identified as Jason Letteff of Michigan and a warrant was issued for his arrest.


The swim team had members placing in Glasgow over the weekend: Darrow Messerly, Tate Carney, Lauren Doney, Grace Doucette, Reba Doucette, Carly Garfield, Shayan Garfield, Matthew Hunter, Raleigh Hunter, Chloe Hunter, Janessa Malmend and Dallan Messerly.

The City Council approved the hiring of Eric Witmer as a full-time employee. He will work part-time as a gatekeeper at the landfill and the remainder of the time as part of the city crew.

The City Council gave final approval to a new ordinance that makes it illegal to park a mobile home on city streets for more than five days. The ordinance was prompted when a mobile home was parked, set on blocks, connected to city water by a hose, and had even posted a house number.

Chelsea Sjostrom said her job as a lifeguard was more than a sunbath; “My job is to make sure these kids are safe and that they have fun. We watch over them.”

Mustang football coach, Tad Schye, said after the camp was held last week, “We have a pretty good idea of the kids that are coming in, we just solidified some things. Different kids have definitely gotten stronger since a year ago.”


25 yrs ago

July 29, 1998

In men’s open basketball, the MDH Ranch, coached by Mike Hammond, finished third at the Big Sky State Games. In trap shooting, Adam Hellie won first place in the 14 and under division. In track, Tom Knudsen of Whitewater won a gold medal in the high jump, and Ben Johanssen of Loring won third in Cub Bare Bow and third in the 3D shoot.

The Malta School Board voted to move to a full day of kindergarten to free up a classroom for a new upper classroom at the grade school.

The Zortman Mine was able to free up some funds and distribute them between the four schools affected by the closing of the mine. Of the $550,000 in funds, Malta Junior High would get 40%, Malta High 30%, Dodson 18% and Landusky 12%.

An early morning fire caused by a lightning strike sent the fire department to a house owned by Nick and Debbie Cebulski, which was unoccupied at the time.

Gaelen Curtis, participating in the local fast draw competition, had a better score than her husband, Doc Curtis.

As a result of major cutbacks in Medicare, Malta Medical Center Administrator Larry Putnam announced he was forced to lay off three full-time employees and one part-time.

A male student who would have been a freshman at Malta Junior High this fall has been expelled for half a semester by the school board for bringing a knife to school and making some threatening remarks to a fellow student during the spring quarter.

Clinton Dauch maintained his place as the fastest in the World Fast Draw Association, winning over Sheriff Gene Peigneux and Undersheriff Tom Miller.

Other locals placing Friday night at the World’s Fastest Draw included Bill Parker, Greg Kelsey, Jim Orahood, Jack Motichka, Steve Schwartz, Shane Stolem, Scott Moran, Darrell Gairrett, Kevin Salsbery, Nathan Salsbery, Bruce Christofferson, Joel Schumacher, Wayne Stahl, Ryan Salsbery, Warren Taylor, Jim Curtis, Gaelen Curtis, and Wesley Orahood.

At the Villa

The X Files

Starring David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson & Blythe Danner


50 yrs ago

July 25, 1973

Police Chief Alert Fladland told the city council Monday evening that Mike Camp would resign as city policeman on Aug. 1 and that James Parker would resign his position as a police radio operator on Sept. 1.

The greatest news in Dodson was the wonderful rain received overnight. In places, 3.5 inches were welcomed.

A single-ring ceremony performed by Rev. Bergstrom united Steve Simanton and Wendy Slade. They were united at the Women’s Club House.

Swim Coach Brian Roberson said one of the swimmers to watch in the meet this weekend was Joe Berg. He had placed first in all events he had entered this year, and at Harlowton and Fort Benton this year he received the trophy for the most points earned by a boy. Joe broke pool records in three events at both meets.

Terri Kelly, Roxane Jacobson, Linda Jacobson and Monica Darrah were winners in the Junior division of the 4-H dress revue.

At the Villa


Adios Sabata

Starring Yul Brynner & Ignazio Spalla


Two People

Starring Lindsay Wagner & Peter Fonda


75 yrs ago

July 29, 1948

Fair board president, Edgar Lee said the board had signed a contract for fireworks at the fair; it will be the largest ever witnessed in the state.

Ordinance No. 240, prohibiting the sale of all types of fireworks within the city was passed by the city council on Tuesday.

Three supervisors to serve for a term of one, two and three years were appointed by the county commissioners for weed control and weed seed extermination. Appointed were Levi Shelton, Thomas Simanton and Alfred Menke.

The 33rd Phillips County Fair was advertising a rodeo with the buckinest horses you ever saw!

At the Palace



Starring Johnny Weismuller & Brenda Joyce



Starring Tom Drake & Dorothy Patrick



Starring Cary Grant & Loretta Young


100 yrs ago

Huge crowds attended the first annual Farmer’s Picnic in Trafton Park. Among winners of various events, we note that Mrs. John Mangis of Bennett Lake won second place in the ball throwing contest and Mrs. Frank Schwartz of Circle Diamond, third in the 50-yard dash. In the children’s sports Robert Erickson, Walter Waters, Sarathna Waters, and Irene Durocher were among the winners.

A picnic held at the Pecora farm drew a large crowd. Rodeo events were halted, however, after a second critter had been killed in the roping tries.

The Malta National Bank statement showed a surplus of $60,314.02.

The mercury dropped to 39 above on August 1, thereby establishing a record for cool weather.


118 yrs ago

Returns from a shipment of cattle from the Circle Diamond showed prices ranging from a top of $4.90 for steers down to $3.60.

Mr. Sunford and his corn binder were expected to move into a 200-acre field soon. It had been purchased from the Malta Mercantile and cost about $150.


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