One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, August 30, 2023

On August 30 and 31, we can enjoy a super blue moon! It’s a super moon because it will be closer to the earth, so it’ll appear larger, but not much to the naked eye. It’s called a blue moon because it’s the second full moon in a month. With all the smoke and dust in the atmosphere, the moon will have a reddish-orange look to it.

My sister Debbie and my daughter-in-law Brandie drove up to Loring on Friday. We all went to Fort Peck Theater to see the play “Misery”. Brandie hadn’t been to that part of Montana, so it was fun showing her the lake, etc. We stayed overnight in Glasgow and drove back to Malta where they picked up their vehicle and drove back to Billings!

Paula Morrison popped in to visit one afternoon this week. It is important to take the time to visit with our neighbors these days!

Becca and Robert Engum of Great Falls motored down to spend a few days with Cindy Clark.

The Clark’s, Cindy and Kenny, have taken great care of the Loring Park, fire station, and Hall for several years! Now that Cindy is injured, she hasn’t been able to mow so Carol Lumsden and Whitney Blunt have stepped in to help out. Loring looks pretty good! Thank you all!

The yellow school bus continues to pick up kids in Loring and the countryside. It’s encouraging to see it go by. I know that our youngsters are getting a good education!

Have a great week!


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