One Nation, Under God

Mr. Handley Welcomed as MES Principal

It's almost like a homecoming. Zach Handley took over the reins as Elementary School Principal this year and it is like "home" to him.

The same halls he once roamed as a student, he now roams in his new position. He is teaching the children of his has gone full circle.

"It's been a lot of fun," Mr. Handley said..."there's been lots of excitement!"

One could say, he hit the ground a running, he hot-footed it from room to room on his first day and logged over 25,000 steps, equivalent to nearly five miles of travel.

He has already had students in his office for disciplinary matters. However, he must have done things up date he has not had any repeat offenders recycle through the doors.

Mr. Handley said, "It's a lot different than teaching." He did not indicate he missed the lesson plans or correcting papers; stating he is a "sticky note" person, and his purple scattered sticky notes were proof he has plans...his own private "gunna do" list.

When asked about changes that might be coming up, he stated there are building issues; the AC-HV system is in need of replacement, and of course it will be fixed according to budget limitations.

Another issue that the school will probably be facing soon is the school week itself.

"Malta is one of two schools that isn't a four-day week school. That is something that will come up some time in the near future."

In his wandering, he has been able to observe the different styles of teaching and is impressed with them.

Principle Handley did admit that he is not used to smaller students; that was a big adjustment. "I'm not used to kindergarteners. I didn't get hugs in the middle school and I get hugs every hour here."

There will be room in his schedule to continue assisting with basketball as he has been doing in the past.

He stated that the District is in need of subs for teaching, so if you are interested, contact him or Principal Shawn Bleth at the Middle School or Supt. Steve Bucks at the High School.

While he feels he has learned 80-90% of the kid's names, he is still learning so much about the new position he was selected to fill. When you have a few minutes stop over and say hi and introduce yourself.


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