One Nation, Under God

Banners of Honor: Hometown Heroes

Forty new flags bearing the names and faces of Veterans were recently placed around Malta.

The project is in its’ second wave of flags that honor “Hometown Heroes.” Eric and Delsi Witmer spearheaded the project last year and had 38 requests placed. The number of 40 for this year shows both an interest and appreciation of the chance to remember and honor loved ones.

This round of Veterans that are erected are Veterans from WWI and forward in time. The banners remember those that some may have forgotten.

In viewing and reflecting upon the names on the banners, there is a lot of history these men and women have served our country for. They have served in World War l, World War ll, the Korean War and the Vietnam Conflict. Some served during the Cold War, the Global War and the Persian War.

Two of the men served during two conflicts; James Webb served in the Korean War and the Vietnam Conflict as well. Ronnie Allery faithfully served time during Vietnam and again in the Global War. The oldest honoree is Jacob Ruud, who was a Private in the US Army during World War l, he was a recipient of a Purple Heart badge

There are banners together that pay tribute to grandfathers and grandsons: Harvey Mavencamp and Joseph Mavencamp; and Howard Cauffman and Donald Ereaux. Three generations are honored with Ralph Licht, his son-in-law, Wayne Waters and grandsons Mike Waters and Brian Waters. Ken Truax and William Pray are honored on a banner, as their great great-grandson, Tel Jensen. Brothers and twins Roy Simanton and Troy Simanton are displayed on the same pole. There are banners with fathers and sons: Keith Morrison and Michael Morrison; Matthew Golik, Sr. and Jim Golik; and Charles Moore and Randy Moore. Two female veterans are amongst the banners, they are Agatha Petersen and Stephanie Lynn.

Other families of Richard Pancake, Daniel Dobson, John Barnes, Orville Jones, Ernest Olson, Melvin Sundin, Alfred Emond, Edmund Mortenson, Jacob Ruud, Roy Taylor, Richard Messerly, Leroy Rummel, James Watts, Leon Helgeson, Ronnie Allery, James Short, Franklin Smith, James Webb, and Benjamin Fewer have their veteran remembered through the project. If this reporter missed any connections, my apologies.

The project was made possible through the community support, time and efforts of locals like Spencer Electric, MEC Electric and Glen Meisdalen.

The list for the order to be placed for the third set of banners already has 12 names on the list, so be sure to contact Delsi Witmer at 406-344-2794. With a limit of poles, only 40 banners will be ordered. To assure a pole is saved for your Veteran, call as soon as you can.

Malta is a community that is strong in support of the veterans and this is a testimonial of such support and dedication. Take a slow drive around the town and enjoy the banners. The names might be familiar, or the conflict might be familiar. Tip your hat, share a smile of remembrance and think of your freedom…it’s because of these Veterans and others that you have your freedom. Say a prayer and thank them.


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