One Nation, Under God

Malta Blood Drive Meets Quota

Amid the underlying presence of the thoughts and memories of 9/11/01, the Malta Blood Drive was deemed a success last week on Thursday, September 7. Held back at the Event Center (the Old Armory) now that cooler weather has arrived for autumn, the day ran smooth and had no interruptions or incidents. Local blood draw chairman, Teresa Hotchkiss was pleased with the outcome and participation.

There were three first time donors at this drawing, and a total of 59 units collected. Those donating from Zortman were Jack Kelly and Diana Robinson. Linda Borst of Harlem came to donate, as did Paul Mortenson of Dodson. Julie Simser of Reston, Va. also donated.

Malta residents that provided their name on the donor list at the event included Pierre Bibbs, Alisha Gibbs, Steve French, Ted Kelly, Terry Lodmell, Scott Marino, Billie Rae Maxie, Bonny Ost, Barb Peterson, Vince Schmoeckel, Doug Simanton, Ronda Simanton, Kevin Stevens, Del Stiles, Marilyn Taylor, David Veseth, Don Voegel, Eric Wilke and Patti Webb.

The Malta Lutheran Church WELCA group provided sandwiches and treats. The Kiwanis members assisted with the cleanup.

November 30th is the next opportunity to donate. The draw will again be at the Event Center.


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