One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023

We have had so many flies, way more than we’ve had in other years. And they really bother the cows too! I’ve only drank two that were in my coffee. Oh, brother, that’s bad now!

The temperature has been really cool in the evenings, but it warms up during the day. We had a couple of days of sprinkles. It was really welcome. Loring got just over a quarter inch. I know Malta had much more because there was a lot of puddles.

I’m still working on sorting everything from Mom and Dad’s farmhouse and actually trying to pack up my own stuff for the move.

Cindy Clark and I took in the volleyball matches on Tuesday. They had three games as a C squad, a junior varsity, and a varsity game. They played the M-ette’s! Lots of people that I knew and the games were very good.

Lu Besel invited Cindy Clark, Bonnie McMullen, and myself to have dinner with her on Saturday. I worked at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum and just drove out from Malta and since I don’t drive at night, I just came home with Cindy and then I left my car here on Sunday. We went over to the Whitewater Lutheran Church and then picked up my car. Cindy sang special music over there.

My friend, Liza Dyrdahl from Glasgow came over on Monday to visit. We painted rocks and I hope to get them stashed around the area before too long.

I’ve seen and heard a few flickers and in fact, Lu Besel found a feather in her yard. It was yellow and black, and she asked me what bird it came from, I said the only thing I could think of would be a golden shafted flicker and sure enough it was.


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