One Nation, Under God

2023 Ag Day Essay Winners Selected

Following the Ag Day presentation last month by the PC Cattlewomen, on Tuesday, November 14, an essay contest was held for those attending. This last week, Taylor French, President of the Cattlewomen, was at the Elementary School to present awards to those selected.

The boy's winning essay in second grade was by Tavi Lulloff. First place winner for girls was Olivia Tollefson.

Third grade winning essay authors were for the boys, Knox Sorenson and first place was for girls awarded to Gemma Wright.

In the fourth grade entries for boys, Calvin Squires was the winner, and Lettie Davis was selected the winning essay of the girl entries.

The Fifth grade boys essay winner was Jaxson Tollefson, and Hennesey Williams was the winning essay for the girls.

Keeping in the by-product message, the boys were each awarded a football at Hardware Hanks while the girls each won a basketball.

Selected as the Over All Winning Essay for the second and third grades was Ms. Olivia Tollefson. For the fourth and fifth grade essay, Ms. Lettie was selected as the top essay. Both top essay winners were awarded a certificate for a new bike through Hardware Hank. The prizes were compliments of the Independence Bank of Malta.

Here are the top two overall winning essays.

Things I Learned at

Ag Day

By: Olivia Tollefson,

2nd Grade

Horses used to be really small! Cow calf pairs stay together for 6 months. The calf drinks milk. Goats and cows make milk and cheese.

Baby boy horses are called colts. Female horses are called mares.

I loved Ag Day because we learned a lot of stuff and was the best day ever. Thank you! ♥♥♥XOXO♥♥

Ag Day

By: Lettie Davis,

4th Grade

I learned that ag day is about farming and ranching. Also growing crops and wheat. I also learned that horses are the reason power or 3 horses power.

I learned that if a sheep get a cut that is not super deep like stitches then if it is a just a little cut then the body will help it heal.

I also learned that a horseshoe can get really big because back in the day they used oxen, but they were kind of stubborn to work with. So they tried horses and it was a lot easier because you can train them better than an ox.

Sheep also have a lot of good uses. First of all you can use them for their wool and make clothes out of it. Another thing about sheep is that you need to separate the top fur and the bottom fur because the bottom fur is way dirtier because the sheep lays down on its belly so that is what you need to separate the top and bottom wool from each other.

I also learned about ear tags for cows and calves that they can be so many different colors.

I also learned about goats. I thought that they had top and bottom rows of teeth but they do not. They actually have the bottom row only, which isn't that kind of crazy.

I also learned that the gummy bears come from the fat of the cow to get the gummy feeling.


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