One Nation, Under God

Coach Wasson Talks All Conference

The North Country Mavericks volleyball team ended their 2023 campaign with three postseason trophies for their cases including a first place trophy at the 1C District Tournament, second place trophy at the Eastern C Divisional Tournament, and a third place trophy at state.

The team earned four spots on the 2023 District 1C Volleyball All-Conference list. Seniors Teagan Erickson and Paige Wasson were both named to the First-Team All-Conference list. Both Erickson and Wasson earned All-State honors as well. This is the second year in a row that the duo earned All-State honors together, while Wasson earned a spot for the third year in a row.

Senior Kendall Scheffelmear was a First-Team selection this year, and a second team selection in 2022.

Sophomore BaiLee McColly was a Second-Team Selection in 2023.

North Country Head Coach Charlene Wasson was asked about each of these athletes and their growth this past season. Below is her response and analysis of each All-Conference athlete:

Teagan Erickson - This year Teagan saw the most growth in all positions on the floor. She played defense in the back row, was an outside hitter in the front row, and was a consistent steady server for us this season. She is blessed with jumping ability and power on the outside hitting and loved it when teams would attack us from the right side where she could block. Her ability to help block middle hitters was a major asset to our defense. Her cumulative high school career stats give her all the credit she deserves. She ended her Maverick career with 1293 Kills, 148 Aces, 157 Blocks, 535 Digs, 22 Assists, and a career serving percentage of 89%. She got confident all season long in her abilities, making the Mavericks a top contender in Class C. One of the best things about Teagan is she is a competitor. She really doesn't care if it is her or her teammates who get the job done, she just wants to see us succeed and win.

Kendall Scheffelmear - Kendall had a great senior season and career as a Maverick. She has phenomenal timing on blocks and attacks. It makes her hard to block but she can get her hands on just about any hit at the net. Her serving really improved from the beginning of the season to the end. She ended the season only missing two serves at the state tournament giving her a 97.8% serving percentage in Bozeman. Her career stats are 426 Kills, 96 Aces, 124 Blocks, 505 Digs, 25 Assists, and a career serving percentage of 88%. Kendall was the sneaky, quiet competitor that was going to get you when you least expected it. She stayed calm under pressure and was a great example to our younger kids.

Paige Wasson - Paige continued to have a dominating season for the Mavericks. She excelled in many categories as a Maverick and her desire to win and compete is evident in how she plays. Her career stats as a Maverick were 1006 Kills, 249 Aces, 60 Blocks, 817 Digs, 942 Assists, and a career serving percentage of 89%. Paige had to take on a defensive role for us this season and that meant taking her out of a setting rotation in the back row, but it truly paid off for us. Her ability to hit around blocks and set the ball is what really helped us out these last two seasons making trips to state.

Overall, these three seniors have scored 3559 points for the Mavericks and it will be missed next year. But what they have left us with is a standard to follow. You can't replace the seniors you lose. It happens every season but what you can do is fill those empty spaces with athletes who have learned from them and hope they make the role their own and leave a little bit of themselves behind when they are done too.

BaiLee McColly - Bailey has made an impact the last two seasons for the Mavericks. She grew in inches from last season and was truly finding her way this year. Many times she would totally catch herself by surprise doing something she hadn't done before. Her serving, attacking, and blocking got better each match we played. Her season stats were: 128 Kills, 33 Aces, 75 Blocks, 137 Digs, 8 Assists and Serving Percentage of 88.2%.


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