One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Late Happy Birthday to President Joe Biden! I hope you have many more!

Back to Phillips County, sympathy for the family of Diann Hanson. She is related to Ree Simonson and Marjorie Olson.

It is December! The weather is warm and beautiful and there is no wind or snow yet.

Happy Birthday to all December Birthdays, including Lulubelle Bessel, Curt and Janice Reichelt.

Happy Birthday to Jesus, our Savior, on December 25th.

Back in Whitewater here are the upcoming activities. On December 14th there will be a Christmas program at the Whitewater School at 7 p.m. All are welcome.

The Whitewater Lutheran Church will hold a candlelight service on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. All are welcome.

Our Whitewater sports are in full swing with basketball starting, they have had lots of practice time.

Again, it is Christmas, people are putting up their trees, decorating, shopping, and baking.

With the hustle and bustle of Christmas let’s not forget the reason for the season.

Take care.

Helen A.


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