One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Merry Christmas and looking forward to the adventures of a new year!

The Christmas Eve service featured a little play starring the children in the area! And many Christmas songs! It’s wonderful when people come together to make special memories, including the parents who spend time practicing with the crew!

Becca and Robert Engum of Great Falls arrived at the Cindy Clark home to celebrate the holiday with family! Kenny and Brenda Clark are hosting this year!

The Whitewater School Christmas concert was marvelous! It’s so refreshing to hear the students with their musical talents! And Santa makes it an annual pre-holiday stop to deliver a snack bag to each child!

Rodney Stordahl delivered a tray of delicious treats from the Loring ladies! Thank you very much! It’s a tradition that was carried on for many years by the Loring Woman’s Club! We’d fix up a tray of Christmas snacks for people who may not have family close by, and as some members moved away, they would be included if it was feasible to deliver! Anyway, I really appreciate the kindness of being included this year!

I’ve really enjoyed the cards and letters I’ve gotten this year! I have not sent many but I have been thinking of you all!

The only birds I see here are geese and pigeons! Christmas Eve a huge flock of geese flew over David’s house and made such a racket! I think there must have been a few hundred! The pigeons are more of a nuisance because they leave their droppings on the sidewalks and are messy! Spring will be here in a few months, and I’ll be happy for more variety!

I haven’t made it to the Phillips County Coffee at Perkins hosted by Mr. Solberg yet, but it is on my list!

I’ve been keeping track of the ball team on NFHS. It’s always fun to watch some hometown action!

Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and a whole new year!


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