One Nation, Under God

Biscuits and Gravy, A Grand Slam!

Saturday by 12:30 p.m., the biscuits were ALL GONE and only a couple spoonful's of the gravy were left as evidence of another success meal hosted by the Senior Citizen Center.

A good crowd constantly flowed through the door at the Center, while the aroma from the kitchen filled the air. Chairmen of the event this time around were Barb Stevens and Margaret Leader who were at the Center bright and early, perky and excited to share the wares with the crowd.

The success of the event should actually be attributed to Kathy Waters, who took on the task at hand and provided the homemade biscuits for the event. She also made the delicious gravy from scratch. She is one little Betty Crocker in the kitchen! The sausage was prepared by Ken Ruzicka and Penny Mackey, who did a top notch job as well. Desserts were compliments of Barb, Sharon Kindle, David Veseth and Theresa Frye.

Many said it was the BEST biscuits and gravy they had all day! That is a testimony!

The fundraiser was to help the Center with the upcoming projects, including replacing the overhead lighting with LED lights; a project that will cost about $5,000 to complete.

The event was a success and the community support is what makes it all possible. As always, the invitation to join the membership of the Senior Center is always open. Call Margaret Leader or Barb Stevens with any questions you might have. Dues are $15 and you will be supporting an entity that caters to an "aging" group, which for the most part is a fun and active group, and your faces could make it even more enjoyable.

If we overlooked you for recognition, please accept our's that "age" thing creeping up on us.

The Center will be hosting other functions in the near future.


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