One Nation, Under God

Staff Recognized by Great Plains Dinosuar Museum to Kick Off 2024 Year

The Great Plains Dinosaur Museum recently recognized key staff and board members as follows:

Lulu Belle Besel, who served on the Board of Directors and organization treasurer from 2007 to 2024.

Dixie Lee Stordahl, who served as the museum manager from 2004 to 2023 and continues to serve on the Board of Directors

Damien Austin, who joined the Board of Directors in 2017 and served as Vice President and President from 2020 to 2024.

The presentations were made at the Queen of Phillips County production by the Montana Actors Theater. The event was filled with fun and laughter and GPDM thanks all who attended, especially the very good sport, Vince.

Lulu Belle Besel - We appreciate you for sharing your passion and talents with us.  Your positive attitude and strong work ethic will always be our inspiration.    

With our greatest appreciation, the Judith River Foundation and your friends at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum.  

Board of Director and Treasurer 2007 - 2024.

Dixie Lee Stordahl - We appreciate you for your passion and dedication not only to this organization, but to our mission to educate dinosaur lovers; young and old from near and far.  We are forever grateful for leadership, guidance and love in this journey to our success.  With our greatest appreciation, the Judith River Foundation and your friends at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum. 

Board of Director 2004 - ongoing.  Museum Manager 2004-2023.

Damien Austin - We appreciate you for believing in our mission, guiding us through difficult decisions and inspiring us to keep going.  A truly great leader is hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget.

With our greatest appreciation, the Judith River Foundation and your friends at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum. 

Board of Directors 2017 - ongoing, Vice President 2020-2021, President 2021-2024. 


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