One Nation, Under God

Locals Compete, Find Success in Ironman Arm Wrestling

Inspired and prompted by "Tarzan" aka Matt Sims to some, Kaleb McMillan took the nudge and with a little persuasion began practicing what has now become routine - that being arm bending. So routine, that it is part of his weekly schedule and he practices every Wednesday night.

That was three years ago and McMillan continues with the drive and the goal to improve his skills for bigger and better things. And he has the full support of his family...especially his No. One Fan, his son, Matteo, who is now six years old.

A lean and lanky youth since he was a junior in high school, now at the ripe old age of 34, Kaleb is still maintaining the ability to eat like a horse and not gain a pound. (I can almost hear the groans from those reading this!) His key to staying fit is dedication to the sport and a balance of pre-meals, routine exercise and hard labor. His health is number one as his focus. His mental message is bigger, better, stronger and faster. Matteo makes sure and tests his biceps regularly...who knows when he will start his own weight program.

McMillan started to be interested in the sport when he was about nine or ten when he sparred and grappled with his dad. That was back "when he was a kid" and now he still has the interest, and the drive is a little more intense and goal directed.

"It is the dedication, the style and the friendships over the years that are most important," McMillan said. His two brothers and son all share the interest, and in ten years, he has the hope, as well as the goal, to be a force to be reckoned with. Now into his third year of the routine, he continues to improve his eating style, menu and habits such as keeping sugar consumption low, eating big meals and he is a walking advertisement for beef - "it's what's for dinner."

It helps that he has had a job that requires physical labor since he was a teen and this "pushing 30" thing sets the bar higher. The group that practices each week meets on Wednesdays at the basement of the Lucky Bullet.

Someone that is interested in the Iron Man program can also visit with Leif Sorenson, who also travels and competes. He was invited to share in the interview; he chose to avoid any attention.

The family travels together when they can, it is a family bonding time. Kaleb said he travels Montana and as of yet isn't into long and extended trips, mainly taking Matteo's age into consideration and the need for his sleep, routine and health.

While there was no mention of spinach by the can fulls, Kaleb is able to manhandle the tires, rims and rigs that come in to his place of employment, Central Avenue Pit Crew. Anyone who would like to visit with Kaleb is invited to contact him. While arm bending isn't for everyone, it might be for you. Give it a try. You won't know if it is for you until you do.


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