One Nation, Under God

Fat guy in the outfield: The struggle

There are two types of people in this world. The first is a person who sat at home and watched the Major League Baseball All-Star Game last Tuesday, July 14 and the second type is an everyday Joe or Jane that played softball with the Malta Co-Ed Softball League. Then I guess there was a third type of person that did neither.

Anyways, after taking off in my car to shoot a few pictures of the softball players, I arrived at Trafton Park with a camera, recorder and glove in my hand, thinking, “If they ask me to play, I’ll do it.” A little nervous because I’ve only played softball once, the next thing I know I was playing left field.

Wait, left field?? For those who don’t know… I’m closer to 300 pounds than I am to 200. They had the biggest, most out of shape dood on the squad chasing balls in the outfield. At the most I should’ve been catcher, but I have to say I liked it.

My defense was terrible. I missed several plays that I wish I could have back. On one play I was so determined to get under a fly ball that I overran it. I’m sure I looked ridiculous. Though I was an appalling outfielder, I’m sure if I had another chance to play, I would do it all over again. I am determined to learn and to try my best, even if I miss every time.

As far as my offense, I was decent considering my lazy eye and astigmatism. I chased every pitch, which made my swings look crazy but I didn’t strike out. I hit a double, a couple of singles and even batted in a run, so it could’ve been a lot worse.

Everyone playing was really encouraging and for a few of us there may have been nerves but all in all, we had a blast.

Ray Harms told me that years ago Trafton Park had teams playing every night. I hope that’s true in the near future because even with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, I would play every other day if I could.

As if I needed another reason to like this place.

PJ and his dog Bruce are getting bigger by the day and I’m proud to report one of them is closer to being house trained. Both have had their first haircuts in the last few weeks; PJ from his uncle Jerry Salveson and Bruce from Laura Pankratz.

I regret to inform you all PJ may have reached his “Terrible Twos” at the ripe age of one. He’s had a bit of a crabby streak going on lately. If he doesn’t smile at you don’t take it personally, he’s just bummed Bruce Jenner won an award for not liking who he was.


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