One Nation, Under God

Phillips County Fair Spotlight for August 12, 2015

Robert & Betty Plouffe of Saco Pay-n-Save

Robert Plouffe did not grow up in the country raising livestock but he has a lot to do with them after a fair. Robert and Betty Plouffe purchased the grocery and meat market in Saco from Buck and Deb Taylor in 1982. In 2000 they moved into the current Saco Pay-n-Save and by 2001 were handling the butchering for beef, pork and lamb after the county fairs. Livestock is brought from the Blaine County Fair in Chinook, the Phillips County Fair in Dodson and the Valley County Fair in Glasgow. On average the crew from the Pay-n-Save slaughter 13 to 14 beef plus 8 to 12 pork weekly. A lamb to slau...


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