One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for September 23, 2015

Don and Connie Wilkes, Bonnie Lankford, Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were among the friends attending the funeral for Gladys Thackeray in Havre on Friday. Don and Connie Wilkes went on to Kalispell to attend the funeral of Marge Hader, Connie’s cousin. Polly Solberg and Selma Solberg Miller went to Billings on Saturday to attend a Solberg family reunion. Dean and Carol Kienenberger, and Jim and Dee Shettel had to walk into Dodson for church on Sunday from the East railroad crossing. They had tried to get the railroad to move the engine from blocking the crossing but were unsuccessful. The School is again celebrating Native American Week September 21-25. They are having a Taco feed on Thursday September 24th. Those celebrating birthdays are James Weigand, Cheryl Weaver, Mitchell Dolphay and Jon James. Nick and Wendy Hopkins and Robert and Cathy Bear are wished the best as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. If you’ve been together long enough to be on your second bottle of Tabasco sauce, you can bet your marriage will last. Have a good week and enjoy the nice weather we are supposed to have for a few days. You might outgrow your parents’ laps, but you’ll never outgrow their hearts!


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