One Nation, Under God

Phillips County News Athletes of the Week: Channing Mavencamp and Sophia Stiles

Channing Mavencamp

Senior, Saco High School

Favorite hobby:

Working on a whole lot of everything.

Dream Automobile:

2016 Ford King Ranch

Goal GPA:


Favorite Class:


One thing on a desert island: Power.

Wild/Domestic pet:

My dog. ( Border Collie Sally)

Fave superhero:


Sophia Stiles

Junior, Malta High School

Favorite Hobby: Watching Lost on Netflix

Favorite thing to bake:

Baking cakes.

Favorite dessert (to eat):

Fruit Pizza

One thing on a desert island:

Tanning oil.

Wild/Domestic pet:

A tiger.

Favorite subject in school:


Favorite NBA Team:

The Los Angeles Lakers


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