One Nation, Under God

Bonfire in the South

In this age, some people believe bigotry and racism doesn’t still exist. But in some places it does. I’m extremely thankful for Phillips County because I’ve seen nothing but love for me and my family.

Obviously not trying to stir any trouble, I will try to briefly tell a story of me being in a bigoted situation. If you’re not into it, turn the page.

Once upon a time I lived in Florida. One of my band mates and I were hanging out with a youth group pastor and a few of his friends. Later that night, we found ourselves at a bonfire, where I was the only person of color. I was having a good time. Greeting everyone, even making a few people laugh.

Then out of nowhere, we left pretty abruptly.

My friend Tom, who was about six foot six and a solid guy, was driving us home through the swampland where the bonfire was.

A few of us, myself included, rode in the back of Tom’s truck. There was a truck also leaving following us really, really close, revving a pretty unimpressive engine and just being obnoxious.

We got back from the fire to Tom’s house and started playing cards or whatever else we did. He pulled me over and explained why we had to leave so fast. He told me what people were whispering around the fire. Apparently they were asking, “Why did you bring HIM here?” HIM, of course, being me. They had a few words after the question, where Tom stuck up for me and rather than put any of us in harm’s way, we left.

It stinks to see all of this drama in the world. I’m just hoping and praying for understanding for our country.

We as a HUMAN race deserve better than to live in hate, bigotry or fear. Life is too precious.

Thank you to everyone in the Phillips County area that hasn’t judged me because of my skin color. I love it here and am more than happy, honored and blessed to be raising my family here.


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