One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The weather has remained very unstable, and hot with some cool nights. We continue to have strong winds and one night had strong winds with a little rain, but since have not seen any of the rain that has been forecast. We have again had days all in the nineties and a few over the 100 mark. Saturday saw 100 and Sunday made it to 102.

Terri Cole went to Billings on Friday for an appointment, to visit kids and attend a wedding shower for a grandson.

Dora Henry was in Malta on Wednesday for business matters.

Ava Welch went to Billings to visit her sister Billy Matthews and possibly bring her to Havre to a daughter to stay and recover from her stroke. We send get well wishes to Billy and hope she recovers more soon.

Condolences are sent to the family of Alice Hanson (Mrs. Jerry) who passed away this week. She was a cousin of James Henry and was married to a nephew of Eldora, so was doubly related. Her son Mark has worked at Albertson's for many years.

Birthday greetings are sent to Willard Mortenson and all others having a birthday this week--have a good one. Congratulations to everyone celebrating a wedding anniversary.

The simplest toy that even the youngest child can operate is called a grand parent!

Have a good week--protect yourself from the heat and drought and remember---- the 106th ? Phillips County Fair is coming. Hope you all enjoy it !!


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