One Nation, Under God

Shepherd Man Charged With 18 Crimes in Three Poaching Incidents

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks game wardens charged a Shepherd man with 18 misdemeanor crimes this week as the result of three deer poaching incidents investigated at the Ah-Nei Recreation Area northeast of Billings in early October.

Brayden Reed, 18, is charged with three counts of hunting without a license, three counts of hunting during a closed season, three counts of unlawful use of artificial light, three counts of waste of game, three counts of unlawful possession of game, two counts of killing over a bag limit and one count of hunting on private property without landowner permission.

Game warden Connor Langel led the investigation and issued citations to Reed in the case that originated with information called in to 1-800-TIP-MONT, the FWP call-in line to report crimes involving fish, wildlife, parks and other natural resources.

Reed is accused of spotlighting and shooting two mule deer bucks on Oct. 2 and taking them to the Ah-Nei Recreation, where he removed antlers and backstraps, then left the rest of the animals to waste.

Also that evening, a live tree was cut down and burned and numerous beverage cans were scattered in the recreation area. Damage to the recreation area was investigated by Bureau of Land Management ranger Jeff Herriford, who issued additional federal citations to Reed.

He also is accused of spotlighting and shooting a third deer on private property, where he did not have permission to trespass on Oct. 8 and taking it to the Ah-Nei Recreation area, where the backstraps were removed and the rest was left to waste.

Reed did not have a Montana deer license at the time of the poaching incidents, which occurred before the general deer season opened on Oct. 23.

Anyone with information about fish, wildlife, parks and other natural resource related crimes is encouraged to call 1-800-TIPMONT. Callers may be eligible for up to a 1,000 reward.


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