One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wednesday we received about an inch of snow, the grass was covered, the highways were icy. But Rodney and I got to Billings in good shape. I helped cook some of the specialties for the Thanksgiving feast! The family met at Jeanie Schroeder’s for dinner. We missed Jacob Wilcox and his family.

I stayed at the Boot Hill Inn and when I got back from celebrating with the kids, I went down to the hot tub. To my surprise another Phillips County couple was there enjoying their grandkids swimming! Nice to visit with Brian and Becky DePuydt!

Cary Woodruff tried his hand at hunting at Pete Lumsden’s on Monday. He was successful at filling his tags! He and Hunter spent the night at Stordahl’s before heading back to Malta.

Tina and Charles Russell celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday with Janet Johnston and Dixie Stordahl! We had a delicious meal and fun conversation!

After last week's article that I wrote, a deer actually ran out into my car. I just hate that! But lucky for me my vehicle is still drivable. Thank you to the two pickups of hunters who stopped to put the deer out of his pain and taped up the pieces under the fender so they wouldn’t bother the wheel. Man, I hope that doesn’t happen again! However on the upside, I’m ok and the car isn’t too bad!

On Sunday I made a trip to Malta to try a salt treatment. Just a little self indulgence! Then I stopped at Jimmy and Nancy Murdock’s for a few minutes to chat. Kate and her kids stopped in also! Fun to visit with friends from a previous life!

Pete and Carol Lumsden spent Thanksgiving Day with John and Ruth Flansaas. Carol said it was a relaxing day of visiting!

Becca and Robert Engum, of Great Falls, and Kenny and Brenda Clark and family were guests at Dave and Cindy Clark’s home for the festivities.

Venus is so bright in the evening sky I thought I’d look up a few facts to share with you! It is the second planet from the sun but is hotter than Mercury! It spins clockwise on its axis! And a day on Venus is longer than a year! Check in for more planetary facts!

The Loring Lutheran Church will put the angels on our Christmas tree next Sunday! It’s a special day for us because we have so many beautiful angels and a long list.

Y’all take care and be kind!


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