One Nation, Under God

Excuse me, what year is it again?

I never thought I was immune to mistakes. But I sure do despise my own mistakes. So, let me apologize.

For the past three weeks, the front pages have been stuck in 2021. Whether it be in a homework assignment in January of 2001, a scripture dissertation in January of 2008, or a PCN in January of 2022, it is a mistake that I make every year. I forget to change the year!

And that’s not all! In last week’s sports section, I mistakenly called a freshman a sophomore and a junior a senior. To those students and parents, I am so sorry!

Mistakes that I make in the PCN bum me out. Can you guess why?

Every word that I type and every mistake I make will be featured in future archives!

This is our history! This is a record of the happenings of our small community. One day, someone will look through the PCN in the month of January 2022, and will notice that the banner says 2021! And that is my fault. Our proofreaders do a wonderful job at catching mistakes, but still, are human. Regardless of what we catch or miss, it is up to me to accurately publish this paper.

So, if I make a mistake, I really do appreciate the feedback because I do mess up. And I apologize in advance. I want us to look good now and in the future!

In other news. My son PJ has been doing well in school. Our second grader has been getting good grades and is learning daily.

Lincoln is growing as well and is daily pushing my wife and me to be more patient. He is three years old, but he thinks that he is a teenager.

My diet is going well and I’m hitting the gym when I can!

I hope all is well with you and yours.


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