One Nation, Under God

Malta Middle School Current Events Class Takes Field Trip to PCN Office

Two classes of seventh-grade students in Mrs. Liens' Current Events class took a field trip to the PCN office on both Wednesday and Thursday, March 2 and 3, to learn about how the newspaper is done.

The two classes meet on alternate days. Collectively, they put together a Middle School Newspaper for the first semester and are currently working on one for the second semester.

"The first semester, we were all learning how to do some of the things it takes to put it together," said Mrs. Lien. "This semester, we kind of know a little bit better where we want to go with it, and know where we need to work a little bit more."

The students were greeted by the PCN staff and given an overview of what each persons' job is with the paper. Then PCN publisher, Pierre Bibbs went over what goes into putting the paper together each week and showed the students the program that he uses to do the final layout.

After that, the students had time for a question and answer period, asking some really good questions about interviewing people and how to get more out of their subject than just a one-word answer, how Pierre decides on how things will look, and what the role of the ads do for the paper.

"I think that it was really neat that the MMS Current Events group visited our office last week," said Pierre Bibbs. "The group had great questions and seemed interested in our community newspaper."


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