One Nation, Under God

Coyotes Track 2022

Dodson to have ten athletes in 2022

The 2021 Track and Field season is off to a slow start for the Dodson Track Teams, but in all, the team hopes to field ten athletes, which would be more than last season.

The team has had to deal with a sickness that hit the team a few weeks ago, track repairs, and a water pipe break in the town which resulted in missed practices.

Dodson Head Coach Tianna Bloomer is hoping that all athletes will be good to go this Saturday, April 9, for the Havre Lions meet.

The team welcomes three upperclassmen and four freshmen this year.

The Dodson Track Teams have brought back four from last season including Junior Emma Cole, sophomores Imagin Fox, and Sebastian Best.

Things have started slow for the team, thanks in part to the repairs being done to the Dodson Public School practice track, which is due to be completed this spring.

Cole, who competed in track her sophomore season participated in shot put and discus. She set a personal best of 20-11.5 in shot put at the 2021 3C District Meet, but the mark put her shy of qualifying for the Eastern C Divisional.

This year, providing all four girls participate, Cole will be a part of the team's short relay.

The team welcomes Akiyah Jones, who will participate in throwing shot put and long jump, as well as running in the 100, 200, and short relay.

Coach Bloomer said that Jones also would like to try throwing javelin this season.

Imagin Fox also competed last season for the Coyotes. The sophomore will be participating in long jump, the 100 hurdles, short relay, and possibly, the 300 hurdles. Fox is also interested in javelin.

Ironbear will run the 100, 200, and 100 hurdles, long jump, and join the relay team.

Sophomore Sebastian Best was the only Dodson Track Team Member at the Glasgow Invitational on Friday, April 1. Best set personal bests in two of his three events. He posted a new best of 1:06.58 in the 400-meter run and a new best of 15-9.50 in the long jump. He set a mark at 31-3.5 in the triple jump.

"He is right where he ended last season in the long jump So that's a good sign," Coach Bloomer said. "I feel he did a good job for not having any proper practice on a jumping surface."

Coach Bloomer believes that he will compete harder now that the first race jitters are out of the way.

The team welcomes junior Conan CutsTheRope, who will compete in the 100, 200, and the boys' relay. He has also expressed interest in hurdles and the javelin.

Dodson welcomes freshmen Mason LoneBear, Jeremiah Henry, Chaske Cliff, and Titus Webb. Each will compete in relay runs.

In individual events, Lonebear will compete in high jump, long jump, and triple jump. Henry will participate in long jump, triple jump, and high jump. Cliff will run in the 3200, 1600, and long jump. Webb will participate in long jump, the 1600, discus, and shot put.


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