One Nation, Under God

Spring of 2022 has been weird

It has been a weird spring.

They call Chicago the Windy City, but I grew up in Chicago and had never experienced wind like the winds that we had earlier this month. Continued wind gusts over 75 miles per hour in our part of the Hi-Line was a crazy experience.

So many in our community experienced big losses due to wind but for some reason, our house was spared for the most part. We lost a couple of shingles, and I lost the peanuts from our bird feeder, but we were pretty fortunate.

I am saddened that the Phillips County Fairgrounds have taken so much damage due to those winds and am hoping that the fair board can pull things together.

Then it snowed on us a couple of times. I will admit that I struggle when our winters drag on, but given how dry things have been here, I found myself rejoicing in the frozen precipitation and grateful.

The worst thing that came from the snowy or windy weather has been the cancellations and postponements of track and golf meets.

The shifts and changes in weather has not been great for my allergies, so I haven’t been feeling 100 percent.

Another strange thing that happened this spring is that my father got remarried. It is a weird feeling. The woman that he married seems like a real sweetheart, but even at the age of 34, I have been struggling with accepting things. Both of my parents seem to be really happy. That being said, I hope to one day meet my father's new bride.

Despite my point of view, my parents seem to be happy being divorced and each of them seem to be thriving. I wish both of them good health and happiness.

Our boys are excited because they now have bunk beds and share a room thanks to that awesome sale at Art’s Furniture & Carpet.

It was also cool to have Ag Day for the first time in a couple of years. I am truly thankful that things are getting back to normal given what we have been through with the COVID years.


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