One Nation, Under God

Whitewater X Country 2022

Penguins Welcome Back All Runners from '21

The Whitewater Penguin Cross Country Team has returned every single runner that they had from last year's team.

"The girls are so excited to be back together and stronger than ever. They have big goals," Penguins Head Coach Carly Hammond said.

Though the team hasn't lost anyone to graduation, Coach Hammond is already dreading the day that her current seniors Samantha Wisher and Kendra Cummings graduate, next spring.

"It breaks my heart to think they won't be with us next year," Coach Hammond said. "They are just a joy to have at practice, always working hard and never complaining about 5:30 a.m. practices and hard workouts. I can't say enough about these two girls. They bring a great energy to the team."

The team also welcomed back Shelbi LaBrie, who placed seventh in the 2021 State C Girls Cross Country Meet. LaBrie has been pushing her team for the better.

"Shelbi LaBrie is about as tough a kid as you can find," Coach Hammond said. "She's come into the program and really pushed some of the other girls to work harder and push past their own limits. I always tell the girls that their own teammates can be their best competition and to thrive off of each other."

The Penguins ran in the Wolf Point Invitational on Friday, August 26, and LaBrie was third in the girls varsity race with a time of 22.04. Samantha Wisher came in 5th with a time of 22.47. Kendra Cummings came in 33rd with a time of 30.41. Ava Hanley came in 38th with a time of 32.43.

"This gave us a second place finish for Class C at the Wolf Point meet," Coach Hammond said. "We were very happy with this start to the season."

Though they did will, Coach Hammond admitted that the first meet was tough given the heat and the fact that the runners aren't in mid-season form.

"The girls aren't in the shape that they would like to be in for a race, and muscles are sore from trying to get to this point," Coach Hammond said. "So, we went into it knowing it was going to be a little rough. I told them to go in at a tempo pace and if they feel like they can increase after the first mile then go for it. Of course I've got some that don't have a brake system so the last mile was painful for some."

Coach Hammond explained what the first two weeks of practices were like for the Penguins.

"We have a lot of sore muscles! In the past two weeks we've gotten tempo runs, intervals, and hills packed in. I think ice bath day is their favorite," Coach Hammond said while laughing out loud. "We are excited for a successful season! We would like to wish all of the local teams good luck. We love cheering everyone else on at the meets and hope they have a successful season as well."

Coach Hammond will be the only coach for Whitewater, but she doesn't feel alone.

"I'm the only coach for Whitewater. Although, I do feel like I have so much support from some of the parents that they may as well be on the staff with me," Coach Hammond said. "I've got parents strategically placing themselves at the meets to help the girls get pushed along the course. We are very blessed to have the supportive parents that we do in Whitewater."

The team is adding two different meets to the schedule, the Crazy Mountain Classic in Big Timber and the Mountain West Classic in Missoula.

"Hopefully we get accepted to both and hit up a course that will have higher elevation and then be able to run the state course before actually going to the state meet in October," Coach Hammond said. "Great opportunities for the girls to better prepare for State."


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