One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 26, 2022

There were volleyball games Thursday evening, then there were basketball games on Friday. Harlem and Dodson were the opponents.

Saturday there was a bridal shower/or meet and greet for Jana Wisher and her fiancé, who is from Georgia. The shower was well attended, and a delicious meal was served.

Sunday, Sally Austin and I attended the Milk River Gospel Jamboree. Our Whitewater musicians were Bruce and Lyn Hill, and Jason Hellie. They participated with different churches.

Jeanie Green and crew sheared sheep on Sunday. Poor sheep now will be cold.

Jeanie had surprise visitors, Carol Brown Remington and Gene Brown of Laurel and Billings. She now has three more bags of wool to spin into yarn. She knits the wool into caps and scarves or shawls. Carol won 1st prize in a wool show recently. WOW!

Enjoy the nice fall weather!

Helen A.


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