One Nation, Under God

No One Ever Taught Me How to Sleep

I suppose there is a reason for everything.

I used to think that I was strong, maybe not stronger than most, but stronger than average. I could squeeze out a few reps of 250 pounds on the bench. My deadlift weight was decent but not anything near strongman level. I could squat even more, but lifting lost its luster over time.

I had my firstborn son PJ and between the late nights with my handsome boy and work hours, I had no desire to wake up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning.

I wish I had stuck with it. Then came the “injury.”

For years, I was certain that I tore my rotator cuff and would need surgery. Two people that I love dear in my life had torn theirs, and the fact that my shoulder was noticeably weaker than it had ever been gave me reason to believe something was really wrong.

I tried over and over again to bench press only to be afraid that my shoulder would not hold up and I would be pinned with no one in an ear shot to help.

Eventually, Jennifer and her husband Steve introduced me to the tens therapy. The use of electrodes to stimulate nerve and muscle movement.

This worked like a charm! My strength was coming back! But then I noticed that the weakness seemed to travel to my other arm!

I also noticed that I was sleeping with the newly hurt shoulder extended under my body.

After some extensive research, I figured out that I had a shoulder impingement. Something that I believe can be treated.

It was not the tear that I thought it was.

No one ever told me the proper way to sleep and I guess I paid the price. I still sleep incorrectly because sleeping sideways is the only way that I can seem to sleep.

But thanks to a newly made friend, I now know that they have pillows for people like me. I am hopeful.

The whole experience has been eye opening to me. There is a reason for everything, I suppose.

Update on the boys. Both seem to be getting good grades in school and Lincoln has seemed to enjoy pre-school. I won’t lie. I was worried that he may not like it. But I am proud to say, I think he may be as studious as PJ was at that age.

My eye appointment went well and the doc told me via Microsoft Team (another Zoom type app) that my eyes seem to be recovering well and hopefully, the redness will disappear by or around Christmas.

He also said that I could workout as heavy as I want again. I may not try to load up anything over 225, but I am hoping to be stronger than I was last year.

Lastly, I ate the turkey leftovers. That really bummed me out, so I will be doing another turkey soon! And to think, I used to dread turkey.


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