One Nation, Under God

Loring News for March 1, 2022

Loring observed Ash Wednesday last week with a soup supper and worship. Thank you to everyone who braved the stormy winter night and ventured out. The meal was great, and the fellowship was heartwarming.

GO NORTH COUNTRY MAVERICKS! Tournament action has kept the roadways busy!

Good Luck to our Class C Teams!! Students, Coaches, parents, grandparents, and basketball enthusiasts are busy traveling this week thru the weekend! Of course, we are cheering on all the Malta Mustang athletes also! Stay alert and drive carefully and allow for a little extra time so everyone gets there and home again safely. At least this week's weather has taken a turn for the better!

The roads were clear on Thursday from Malta to Glasgow, (answered prayer!) as I traveled for appointments and managed to get some shopping in on the side. But glad to get home before the REALLY cold snap hit! The wood stove got a good workout again this weekend with the subzero temps and wind chills.

The parents of the little wrestlers in the north country have been getting some miles under their belts. A meet in Williston earlier this month, Wolf Point last weekend, and Poplar on the 25th! Jay and Whitney Blunts& children Etta, Everett, and Amus Blunt participated and had a great time!

Brenda Clark and her children made a run to Billings for appointments and a little shopping this last weekend and made it home again! They even got to spend time with Gramma J while there! Always a good trip when you get some gramma time!

So thankful for the snow we have received and the moisture we will have because of it. If I may quote a wise Loring-ite who has since passed but whose words live on, I’ve never seen this country too wet.” ~ Norman Dyrdahl. The truth for sure!

Safe travels everyone and to our young athletes, good luck and enjoy this special time!

So, until next week, stay kind to yourself and others!


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