One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, May 24, 2023

To the NRA, all citizens, and gun owners: there have been 200 shootings in the US this year! Isn’t it time to abolish assault weapons, crack down on gun sales, and practice gun control?

Again, sympathy to the family and friends of Bill Murdock. He will be missed, especially in Whitewater, his hometown.

School is almost out. Graduation for WHS was on May 19, 2023. Malta’s graduation was Sunday, May 21. Congratulations to all the graduates.

We heard there are two Whitewater teachers leaving to get married! Good luck to them.

“Hello” to Irene Wendalyn, my friend in Chinook. We had a nice visit on the phone.

News Flash! Some people bought the Youth Ranch out in Whitewater! They have cattle and other animals out there. They are trying to repair the houses and buildings. It will be a lot of work. Good luck to them.

Sally Austin hosted a family dinner on Sunday. Joyce Donaven (her daughter) was there. Joyce and Dennis live in Kremlin, Montana. Joyce is a teacher and now a tutor at Rocky Boy Schools.

All the farmers in the Whitewater area are seeding their crops. The weather is beautiful now and the ground is dry enough to seed.

Is anyone going to plant a garden? If anyone wants a garden plot you could use my yard in exchange for vegetables! (I’m serious!)

Today it is beautiful outside. Sun is shining, birds are singing, the grass is green, and Mom’s tulips are in full bloom (yellow, red, and pink flowers).

The Meadowlarks are back and singing! Life is good here in Whitewater!



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