One Nation, Under God

Old Man, Old Dog, and Young Pup

Nearly seven months after the end of last year’s hunting season -- cut short by an old-man ailment -- I’m ready to go again.

At least I think I am.

Almost every morning for the last couple of months the dogs and I have walked a brisk mile. At least Ace and I cover a mile while Dot does at least three times that racing through the sagebrush.

Fortunately, I don’t have to keep up with her. An electronic collar keeps Dot in check.

Ace, on the other hand, is kept in check by his advancing age. Stone deaf, he seldom leaves my side, but he still insists on going. If I leave him at home and take Dot, he’ll howl until we return. That’s what Barb says anyway, so we travel as a trio – old man, old dog, and young pup.

I suspect this will be Ace’s last season. He’s going on 13, and sleeps so soundly it’s often hard to wake him. Like me, his muzzle is graying and he stumbles a lot. He poops whenever and wherever the need strikes him, often appearing surprised at the result.

I know the feeling.

Not being able to hear, he doesn’t come when called, but does respond to hand signals, or more accurately, me wildly waving my arms to catch his attention.

Ace still knows the game, picks up scent on occasion, and follows flying birds with interest. He caught a dove last month in the yard and carried it until the feathers fell off. A terrible retriever, he wouldn’t bring me the dove, and kept his distance until his interest in the now-dead bird waned.

At his advanced age any bad habits are beyond correction. His lack of interest in retrieving, his barking, and his incessant whining in the truck are all part of who he is.

Dot often watches the old dog in amazement, jealous I suppose, at what he gets away with that she doesn’t.

This will mark Ace’s 12th season. A spring puppy, he was hunting before he was a year old. I didn’t start quite as soon, but have been at it for more than half a century.

I don’t know how many years I have left. Hopefully it will be more than Ace has. After all, I have at least one more dog to wear out.

Parker Heinlein is at [email protected]


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