One Nation, Under God

Auxiliary "Juniors" Busy with Projects

Young members of the American Legion Auxiliary, the "Juniors", have been busy with projects this month. Since this month is "Agent Orange Awareness Month," much of their time and energies were directed to bring awareness to the public about Agent Orange.

The group painted rocks of various sizes orange as the background and then added messages. Some were messages of hope, some were statistics, and some were ones that left the reader in thought.

Perhaps you weren't affected by the toxic and deadly Agent Orange. More than likely you know someone who was. If you know of someone who served in Vietnam, there's a strong possibility they were exposed to and have been affected by the spray. Or will be. And, there is a strong possibility their children are affected.

It's one of those giving things...not necessarily good...just giving.

It is unforgiving.

Take a moment to read the messages left at various businesses. Keep all our military in your thoughts and prayers...until they all come home.


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