One Nation, Under God

My Watch Keeps Me Going

It’s hard to stay active in the middle of winter.

Snow and bitter cold keep me inside the house, sunken deep in my favorite chair, mesmerized by ball games of little consequence.

My watch, however, keeps me going. It tells me to stand if I’ve been sitting too long. It compliments me on the progress I make toward pre-programmed exercise goals, and it nags me to keep it up.

“You can do it, Parker!”

It records my daily mile walk, announcing the time elapsed through so many layers of clothing I have to hold my wrist to my ear in order to hear it.

My times have slowed since winter set in, the streets of Malta, now snow-covered and slick. I walk with a bit more care hoping to avoid a fall, but not so slowly that folks mistake me for Joe Biden.

I took a few days off last week. The recent spell of unreasonably cold weather made outdoor activities a little sketchy.

My watch, however, doesn’t recognize snow days. It continued to record how many times I climbed the stairs, and how many times I stood. It reminded me to “keep going.”

Whenever I reach one of the pre-set goals the watch chimes so I was surprised to hear it go off while I was sitting in my chair enjoying an ice-cream float.

I’d apparently achieved my exercise goal with a spoon in hand.

“Congratulations, Parker,” flashed on the tiny screen.

A feeling of pride swept over me. I’d finally been recognized for the effort it takes to eat ice cream, an activity I’ve been involved in my whole life.

Forget the mile walk. I’d discovered something better – a workout that works for me.

Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to repeat those results. My watch failed to recognize the effort I put into finishing a quart of vanilla last night, only telling me to stand once I was done.

I’ll give it another shot, though. Freezing rain this morning covered everything in ice, cancelling my walk. There’s a playoff game on TV and another quart of vanilla in the freezer.

It’s a long winter. I feel like a workout.

Parker Heinlein is at [email protected]


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