One Nation, Under God

North Country News for Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A poem for our dear sister Ree.


I stood alone in the darkness watching

the northern lights dancing in the sky

It was like the angels in the heaven

Dancing for a passerby

It seemed like they were dancing

To music that I couldn't hear

I felt the angels saying

"Tonight's our chance to let you know we are near"

I felt that they were dancing

To a silent drummer only they could hear

Dancing across the sky just for me

I wonder, "Do angels ever shed a tear?"

Just when you thought they were gone

They would show up again for a lonely passerby

Then nothing else in the world matters

As you watch angels dancing in the sky

© Robert Lee Ridgeway

Congratulations to our girls, North Country Mavericks! And Malta M-Ettes too! Hope everyone got home safely. A cold wind and inches of snow hit us all Saturday evening and through the night. But on Sunday, the sun came out so one could see the roads anyway.

Surprise visitors to the Murdock farm last week were JW Murdock with Virginia (Larson) Fewer and her brother Jerry Larson. Ginny lives at Rivers Bend and Jerry has homes in Hinsdale and Billings.

Kathleen Marie Murdock returned to her home in Kadoka, S.D. after her aunt Ree's service in Malta. She, among a few others, hit some bad weather getting back to their homes.

One never knows from one day to another what one might wake up to. I have friends in northern California and Texas. Not so great of weather there. Snow, flooding and fires.

Also, Cindy Hanson and her sister Lori Haugen drove from North Dakota to pay their respects to the Simonson family and their Aunt Ree. Their mother was Ree's sister Evelyn (Murdock) Hanson.

Here also at this sad time were Margie Olson's family, Carolyn and Lee Brainard, daughter Maggie, Kenny and Carlee Brainard from Idaho, Nancy Olsen, and her daughter Tessa with her two daughters Sawyer and Emerson.


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