One Nation, Under God

Phillips County 4-H Clubs totaled 186 last year

4-H Month includes open enrolment

We are celebrating 4-H all month long which is the open enrollment time for 4-H and the beginning of the new year for 4-H. The Phillips County 4-H program is administered through the Phillips County Extension Office along with a 4-H council (local leaders and members). 4-H has been in existence for over 100 years in the State and it was established in Phillips County in 1919. A core belief of 4-H is health, as evidenced by the four H’s in the 4-H Clover; Head, Heart, Hands and Health.

The 4-H program is open to any youth who is 5 years old on October 1st through 18 years of age. There are two classifications for youth to join 4-H. Youth ages 5 through 8 may join a group called Cloverbuds. This is a non-competitive educational program and is the only project youth of this age can be enrolled in. Youth meet once a month to participate in hands on and discovery-oriented. Through Cloverbuds, children can develop age-appropriate skills. Youth gain self-understanding, social interaction skills and positive attitudes.

The other classification for youth is joining a regular 4-H club as a full member who can enroll in several different projects. Youth participate in club which is constructed of an organizational leader, project leaders and youth officers. Clubs participate in various activities throughout the year from working on projects, helping in the community, citizenship activities, judging events, leadership and record keeping. There are hundreds of projects to choose from. Animal sciences, visual and theatre arts, shooting sports, cooking, sewing, gardening, leather and entomology are to name a few.

Last year the Phillips County 4-H program had a total of 186 enrolled youth and no program is complete without it’s volunteers (52 in Phillips County last year) donating hours of time to help make the youth become engaged, well rounded adults.

If you are interested in seeing what 4-H is about, stop by the Phillips County Extension Office, located in the basement of the Phillips County Library or call us at 654-2543.


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