One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for June 24, 2020

We have been having rains almost every day or two over the last week. The overnight temperatures have been very cool for this time of year. It certainly has been uncertain and different weather.

It is too bad that the planned all school reunion has been cancelled but with the Covid 19 and more outbreaks all the time it is probably for the best.

We have been fortunate here on the highline — not too many cases were reported but now even Valley County has one reported. Comes closer to home! More people are going out more away from their homes and mixing with different people.

A very verbal and antagonistic town meeting was held at the Catholic Hall on Monday June 15th on water issues —can a farmer 3 or 4 miles out of town put in town water in a pasture to water cattle when it is against the town's water ordinance?

Jack and Ethel Simeins conducted services at the Lutheran Church on Sunday. After services Carol and Dora visited with a bicyclist, one of three in a group riding across the country when he came by the church.

Greetings and congratulations to everyone having a birthday or anniversary this week. We wish you many more.

From the time an infant trys to get his toes in his mouth, life is a continual struggle to make both ends meet.

Enjoy your week and the weather--I suppose we will soon be complaining of the heat!


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