One Nation, Under God

Compliance & Vandalism on Council Agenda

The Malta City Council met Tuesday, Feb. 28th, in the City Chambers for the regularly scheduled meeting. With all council members present, opening with the pledge to the flag, Mayor John Demarais then called the meeting to order.

Motions to accept the minutes, agenda, to pay claims and items brought forth by Deputy Clerk Laurie Barrett were seconded and passed.

Eric Witmer, City Shop Foreman, was the first individual on the agenda. He said the crews had been working on snow removal in the downtown area. The sander will be hitting the streets again when the snowfall ceases.

The City had dealt with a water dig at the Westside Café, which was the result of a hole in copper pipe. A second dig was initiated at 2nd St. West and 6th Ave., again the result of a copper leak.

Eric stated he was having an employee begin creating a new sign for Trafton Park, as the present one is needing to be replaced.

Mayor Demarais provided a quick assessment on the landfill; he reported things are going well there.

No one was present for reports from the Safety Committee, Fire Chief, Law Enforcement, Planning, or Parks and Recreation. Things are going well at the Event Center, and it is being utilized more.

Mayor Demarais and Eric Witmer stated the lift station is done.

Compliance Manager, Mike Muñoz, was present and discussion was held on the issue of cleaning up the City. The office is waiting for communication from the Deputy County Attorney to proceed with the requests and citations for removal of unsightly, abandoned, and junk vehicles on the streets. Mike said a mission statement (goal) for the office had been created and was posted on his office door. There will be more details shared as decisions and directives allow.

It is the goal of the office to work together with the residents of the City, to work hand in hand on cleaning the City up, while coming to a mutual agreement.

Mike further stated that as the Animal Control Officer, he is working on getting dogs and cats LICENSED and in compliance with City ordinances. Calls, complaints and issues of dogs not being contained were discussed.

Discussion was held on the fob situation and recent damage to the gym. Several individuals were not happy with the action of the City regarding de-activation of their fobs. Some fobs have been de-activated for three months.

There was also discussion on the recent vandalism acts on other City property and the lack of respect for property. The malicious behavior is costing taxpayer's money.

The next meeting of the City Council will be Tuesday, March 14th at 5 p.m. Any resident of the City wanting to be on the agenda to be heard before the Council should call the City office at 406-654-1251 and request being on the list.


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