One Nation, Under God

Plainsview News for August 13, 2014

Debbie and Brent Anderson are entertaining their two grandchildren, Sienna and Stryker for a few day before school starts. Stryker celebrated his seventh birthday recently in Helena where they and their parents, Jenna and Troy Simonton, now live.

Shirley Duncan celebrated her birthday Sunday when her granddaughter, Mary and her husband, Ray Smails of Alder, Mont.

Keenan LaBrie celebrated his sixth birthday with friends on August 6 in Malta.

Scott Anderson was in Oshkosh, Wisc., last week for an air show.

Kate Webb drove her grandpa Jim Murdock to Billings for his check-up, which was good.

The Mike Hammond and Clinton Cox grain fields were badly damaged by hail last week. Other farmers have gotten carried amounts of rain.


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