One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for the Week of July 22, 2015

Our very deepest sympathy to the family of Art Nelson of Saco (my longtime friend.) Art ran the store at Sleeping Buffalo. Art is a better place now.

Get well wishes to Howard Berg and the other driver who was in the car accident. So glad it was not worse.

Sympathy to the landowners, including the Lumdsens of Loring, who have had bad prairie grass fires. The grass is so dry. Pray for rain.

Bob and Pat Anderson attended the Jam Session in the Vet’s Club and said it was a great, old time music…the kind I like.

Again congratulations to Taylor and Adam Hellie on the birth of their baby boy, Everett Michael.

Vacation Bible School was well attended with a final count of sixty children! The Green and Young family (grandchildren) attended.

The Pastor Wisher family and others went camping at Little Rockies Christian Camp this week.

Welcome to Bryan Lawless’ sister who is at the Youth Ranch.

Justin Austin and family are at Austin Ranch. They will attend the wedding of Alisha Cole in Glasgow. I hope to also go.

‘Hello’ to Fred Allery, Marlene Doney and family who reside at the ranch near the Youth Ranch.

Dallas and Ashley Green are combining winter wheat in the eastern part of Montana. It is too early to harvest here in the Whitewater area.

I’m enjoying the TV, especially music shows and old Westerns.

The Phillips County Fair is around the corner. Are your exhibit entries ready? In my first year with 4-H I entered an egg salad sandwich and won first prize. What a thrill!

Stay cool, but don’t count your chickens until they are hatched.


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