One Nation, Under God

Phillips County News Athletes of the Week for October 7, 2015

Mickayla Johnson

Sophomore, Hinsdale High School

Favorite Hobby: Volleyball

One Wild/Domesticated pet: Hedgehog

Worst thing mom has ever cooked: Cheesy Cooked Cauliflower

Favorite meal: Chicken Alfredo

Favorite dessert: Anything chocolate

One thing on a desert island: Probably someone to keep me company

One superpower: Invisibility

Favorite movie: Space Jam

Favorite song: Girl in a country song

Favorite Subject in school: History

Sarah Ware

Sophomore, Malta High School

One wild/domesticated pet: It doesn't get any better than my dog "Scout."

Favorite meal: My dad's chicken pot pie

Favorite hobby: Running and hunting

One thing on desert island: A rifle and bullets

Favorite dessert: Kaydel's homemade Oreos

NFL team: Denver Broncos

Favorite subject in school: Is there supposed to be a favorite subject in school?

One superpower: Invisibility, obviously.


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