One Nation, Under God

Loring NEws for March 22, 2017

Happy first day of spring this week! The temps have been amazingly warm for this time of year after we had a blizzard last weekend! Most of the snow is gone, ran down the hills into the coulees and then the dams! I spotted one cedar waxwing in our Russian olives, which is unusual since they usually appear in flocks! Also, I saw some big white birds that I'm calling swans. They were swimming in some snowmelt just off the Milk River! Someone said they were white geese, but I'm saying swans! Also a few pesky gophers popped their heads out of their burrows! I almost forgot I saw a snowbird at Albertsons, he said Gale would be coming home soon! Yes, spring is not far off!

Also I got a note from Marjorie Olsen on the east bench and she said she saw a robin in one of her trees! So that's the first sighting that I know of. Then I heard Jeanie Green claim a meadowlark spotting! That is so cool!

The Loring Lutheran Church looks nice with the additions on the sides. It is now rectangular with no notches! I'm anxious for some steps instead of the ladder to see inside! No Loring Lutheran services this next Sunday.

Ava Ginter visited with Cindy Clark on Saturday. They had lunch together.

Dixie Stordahl stopped to see the house that Larry and Gail Willcott built in Malta. It is very nice! Their daughter Ailee will be living in it. I also worked on the bulletin boards at the HLRC, but only got one finished.

Get well wishes to Pete Lumsden who had surgery on his knee on Friday! He's doing well, reports his wife, Carol. Also on the get well list is Anna Faye Simms who formerly lived near the south sag.

Many of the junior high students are participating in spring basketball tournaments now. They practice after school and play all weekend! Two groups earned new championship hoodies this weekend. Congratulations!

Just want to give a shout out to a couple of people who used to live in the Loring area and were very active in the community, Gwen Henderson and Bette Dyrdahl! Hope that spring is good to them.


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