One Nation, Under God

Loring News for April 1, 2020

We are starting our third week of voluntary isolation and the first week of state lockdown. We are encouraged to stay home and away from other people unless it is essential. I'm not sure but isn't saving my sanity essential? Just kidding I'm not any crazier than I ever was.

The robins and meadowlarks have returned! Oh, that soothes my mind that the world is not coming to an end! I also saw six eagles in a field! And many antelope! The gophers are having a great time scampering around!

We in northern Phillips County are being creative during this isolation time. I saw that the Blunt's and Lumsden's and the Norville's took a hayride with the horses and wagon! It was amazing to see on Facebook! The kids and grandpa Pete were running to catch up and jump on! Impressive!

Cindy and Dave Clark are making Easter decorations for the town of Loring! It will give all who drive through a thrill!

Further north, closer to the border, walks and picture taking are the activity of the day! The Russels got some good photos of the water running and the neighborhood cows and antelope. The Simonson's have been out practicing shooting the gophers, checking on the cattle and calves, and keeping things running smoothly.

Congrats to Alan and Connie Wasson! They are great grandparents! Connie is anxiously waiting for this travel ban to lift so she can cuddle the little girl!

The bright object in the evening sky is Venus. It is brilliant at this time and now the moon is on its way to full so there will be lots of light in the night. Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars are visible just before dawn.

Our publisher of the PC News was traveling around the county last week. Mark Hebert posted a picture of visiting Boris, the mayor of Loring. Thanks for keeping a distance of six feet!

Sympathy to the family of Paul Hofer who passed away last week. It's so sad to try to make sense of these times.

Since there will be no church for this whole month of April, I want to wish everyone happy Palm Sunday and a blessed Easter! We will gather after this pandemic is over to celebrate and be thankful! Hug your loved ones, tell them you love them. I'll let you know what's going on in Loring next week!


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