One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for the week of July 20, 2016

Rain, rain, rain! We’ve been getting a lot of it but they predict it is to warm up and be drier.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were in Havre and Chinook. Polly had dental work in Chinook and they visited the Wildlife Museum which is wonderful. They are still working on it but it is well worth visiting.

Wink and Terri Cole have had several different grandchildren visiting them over the last bit. One came to help Terri repair and paint.

The gardens are growing well with all the rains. (So are the weeds!)

KillEagle’s have been hauling dirt and gravel and getting ready to set Wesley Jr’s new trailer.

Campbell’s are busy working on their trailer, new insulation and siding and skirting it. It is beginning to look pretty good-so many rains the skirting won't be painted right away.

The only question I’ve heard is about the sewer and water hookup—aren’t they usually some of the first things run to new housing, before they are closed in? None has been dug in for any of the new hook-ups.

The community sends condolences to the family of Kenny Jensen. He was a figure around for a long time. A memorial luncheon was served at the Catholic Social Hall in Dodson by the Catholic and Lutheran ladies after the interment at the Dodson Cemetery.

The County crew cleaned the dump up nicely this week but two days later people were dumping tree trimmings etc. way out away from the pit again. Too bad they don’t back up as close as they can to the pit---where’s the pride in neatness.

The new windows being installed at the school are looking pretty good and should certainly be warmer and more efficient.

The three scarecrows at the school garden were a cute and interesting addition, although the wind and rain have raised some havoc with them. Nice thinking for something different.

Dora was happy to get her board fence rebuilt around her garden that the one hard wind had blown down. Even after she fell off the tailgate of her pickup when pounding posts.

Barbara Tremblay attended the funeral for Agnes Young in Malta on Thursday.

Dora Henry accompanied Helen Voegel to Hays on Tuesday. That is a nice ride and still so green. Good scenery.

Birthday greetings are sent to Ann Kienenberger and all celebrating a birthday this week.

People who brag about their ancestors are like carrots -- the best part of them is underground.

Hope you all have a good week!


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