One Nation, Under God

Opinion / Power: Elaborate Thinking

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Hold on to your hats, here I come

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Apr 27, 2016

    Well, the time is finally here! I have begun packing my things into boxes again, something that seems to happen often. I have been writing a column for Phillips County News for the better part of a year now. The experience I have been most excited for is on the doorstep. I start my summer internship next Wednesday. I cannot wait for this opportunity to learn a new skill, one I never would have imagined three years ago. Thanks again Mark and the rest of the staff for all you’ve done, you guys are awesome! I’m looking forward to spending the sum...

  • Find your spark and go for it

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Apr 13, 2016

    Once I was 10-years-old. Do you remember what it felt like before the first day of school in elementary school? The tense feeling in your stomach as you lay in bed wondering what your friends spent their summer doing. Whether your class had picked up some new kids… whether you’d be picked to play kickball on the playground. I’ll never have that feeling again, a lot of you will never have that feeling again. Do not let this discourage you. That feeling will never be forgotten for a reason. We had something exciting to look forward to… something...

  • Hey, you, get off of my cloud

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Mar 30, 2016

    The world is full of people who want to see you fail. The kind of people who cannot stand to see things going positive for anyone but themselves. We have all dealt with these types of people. We know to take the criticism with a grain of salt, but it’s hard to be productive with this kind of energy surrounding you. Anyone who does let it get to them runs the risk of it affecting their career and income. While you cannot make these people disappear, there are many ways to make dealing with them easier. Ignoring the hate is a good first step. W...

  • Thank you M-ettes, we love you

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Mar 23, 2016

    It feels as if I’ve been everywhere and back again in the past few weeks. Travelling with the rest of the M-ette entourage sure is tiring. However, I would not change a single thing about it. It has been amazing watching my little sisters and the rest of the girls cap off a perfect season. They sure are tough, I cannot think of a better group of girls. The best part of tournament season for me is seeing the family together, both distant and immediate. In our family nothing brings people together better than basketball. It’s always been tha...

  • Best week ever? Not so much

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Jan 20, 2016

    Well, it is official. My luck has run out… I am not a billionaire. The major $1.5 billion Powerball was won this last week. Unfortunately, the tickets I purchased were duds. You’re four times more likely to get struck by lightning than winning the lottery. Thankfully I dodged a bullet on the lightning too. My luck got even worse Sunday when Peyton Manning and the Denver defense knocked my Cinderella-Steelers out of the postseason. I cannot catch a break; hopefully things will be different this week. I have a very exciting NBA matchup to loo...

  • Football rivalries with my sisters

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Jan 13, 2016

    Well it has been an interesting weekend in my household. My younger sister Jada happens to be a Bengals fan. I am a diehard Steelers fan. If you don’t already know, Pittsburgh won the AFC Wildcard Playoff game in interesting fashion. With less than 2 minutes left, Cincinnati committed two costly penalties. This put the Steelers in position to kick the game winning field goal in the final seconds of the game. Having lost all hope after the Landry Jones interception. I went absolutely insane as we won the game… I noticed how beautiful rivalries c...

  • Honor Thy Mother and Father

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Jan 6, 2016

    Hello friends, family, and Phillips County I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed holiday season! I got the opportunity to spend Christmas and New Years in Malta. Initially, I believed my time would be spent sitting around the house and playing basketball with the girls. This was not the case. I have caught up with more classmates in the past two weeks than I have in the years since we graduated. I have understood since childhood that you gradually grow apart from the friends you make before graduation. However, I never realized how...

  • Oh, the many things I am looking forward to

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Dec 16, 2015

    It’s been a pretty weird winter so far… there is no wind, there is hardly any snow, and there is no extreme cold. We all know the snow is coming, but I can’t believe we haven’t been dumped on yet. I must say that I am thankful for the weather otherwise travelling would be a nightmare. I spent the weekend in Three Forks watching the M-Ettes defeat Fairfield and Belt. There seems to be no ceiling on the potential of this basketball team. They are so deadly from every spot on the floor, despite playing with a sense of lethargy. I am super excited... Full story

  • Time to start seeing perfection in every woman

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Nov 25, 2015

    Is there too much pressure on young women to attain the perfect body? It’s an issue that has always been present, but is much more apparent today. I will be the first to admit, when a girl with a beautiful body walks by I notice. I would guess I’m not the only one, I would even go as far as to guarantee it. What affect do television, celebrities and marketing campaigns have on young women? I couldn’t tell you. Thankfully, I know plenty of women that can. Here is some of the conclusions I’ve come across when asking friends these same questio...

  • Hoarding Hedgehogs, snowfall and me

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Nov 18, 2015

    I met a kid from Sweden and I acquired the knowledge that hedgehogs run wild in his hometown. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of my plans to move overseas and live with the hedgehogs. Gatsby and I are a fierce duo, it’s common knowledge that our favorite things include drinking beer, meeting women, and spending cold evenings watching reruns of Parks and Recreation. Could you imagine the type of guy I’d be if I could go hoard hedgehogs in Sweden? On second thought, I think I’ll stay in Bozeman, for the sake of my sanity. With all t...

  • Far better things to show up for than Trophy Parades

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Nov 11, 2015

    If you didn’t already know, 800,000 people took to the streets of Kansas City to celebrate winning the World Series. I’m going to give you guys a brief history lesson, bare with me. In 1963, Martin Luther King conducted the famous March on Washington. It was here that he delivered his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech to an estimated 200,000 people. That’s right, nearly four times as many people massed for a trophy than for a calling to an end of racism. You could argue that it is much easier to organize a mass with the influences of modern techno... Full story

  • Inspired by an artist and how music continues to evolve

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Nov 4, 2015

    Hello friends, I’d like to start by apologizing for the lack of a column last week, I got hit by the flu bug pretty hard. ‘Tis the season! The last two weeks have been interesting, to say the least. I met a young artist from North Carolina named Jaac, and he is incredibly talented. He’s a senior in high school, with a promising future ahead of him. While talking I asked him what inspired him to pursue a career in music. “Seeing J.Cole’s movement inspired me, and knowing he’s from North Carolina proves I can do it too,” he said. This statemen...

  • Fall football, drinks for Putin and the anxiety of Autumn

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Oct 21, 2015

    I’m a diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I have been for around 15 years. That’s why I have been nothing but thrilled with life the past few weeks. Big Ben (Roethlisberger) took a pretty troubling knee injury, but Mike Vick and Le’Veon (Bell) got a clutch win last Monday in San Diego, and the debut of Landry Jones was more than impressive with the win today against Arizona. Jones threw the ball 12 times for 168 yards and two touchdowns, completing 75-percent of his passes. Those numbers with a sidelined Ben Roethlisberger have the entire “Terr...

  • Media turns mass shooters into famous front-pagers

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Oct 14, 2015

    Gun violence has been a big topic of discussion in the media and politics as of late. The Obama administration has been calling for tighter and tighter regulations again firearms. In my opinion, if everyone was allowed to carry a gun, there would be far fewer mass tragedies. I feel like the media blames the gun, but I blame the media. Think about it… the shooter is getting instant fame, regardless of how sick and tragic the acts they commit are. If we as a people were all armed, including teachers, I know the kids like Adam Lanza would never h...

  • Excited about some good, ol' fashion deer hunting

    Brandon Nicholson, Columnist|Oct 7, 2015

    Well Malta, it is getting closer and closer to that general deer season! I have not been this excited to do some good ol’ fashioned deer hunting in a long time. The weather has been cooperative, and from the sounds of it, the wildlife population is thriving this year. If only I would have taken bow-hunter’s safety as a kid too. I could have already been done with my efforts on this side of the state too, if only I was as proficient with a bow the way my best friend is. However, this is a lot easier said than done, because the last time I sho...

  • The American Dream is alive and well

    Brandon Nicholson|Sep 30, 2015

    Many of you may know my friend Della Shipp, she is a 2015 graduate from Glasgow. Please keep her family and father Wayne in your thoughts and prayers. Wayne was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this January, and passed away September 26. He was an avid fan of MMA, and that makes all sorts of sense, because Della is a livewire. She would be the first to agree with me on that. His favorite quote after being diagnosed was “Rock On”, which inspires me because of his can-do outlook on life. He taught an attitude of hard work, respect, and kicking bu...

  • Contemplations from my MSU desk #2

    Brandon Nicholson, PCN Correspondent|Sep 23, 2015

    For the women: Hey girls, I hope everything has been going great for you! I had a pretty awesome week, school is finally slowing down and getting easier. Hailey, we talked on the phone earlier, and it sounds like you’ve been pretty content with life, I’m so proud of you! Jada, you need to keep in contact with your big brother a little better… I’m sure you’re just enjoying life as well, I love you! Nikki, I pray to God for you everyday, you’re growing up so fast, and I can almost guarantee that your big brother misses you more! You three, are...

  • Nothing wrong with chasing your dreams

    Brandon Nicholson, PCN Correspondent|Sep 2, 2015

    It was approximately game time as I exited the interstate and saw a seemingly majestic Washington-Grizzly Stadium. There was definitely an electric air of tension in my car as my stomach turned on the thought of seeing Tucker Schye on the field again. Nostalgia and excitement had me overridden with euphoria, I pulled up to the Motel 6, and see an equally excited Schye family patiently waiting to walk to the game with me. Throughout the past few days I had been thinking in the back of my head exactly what my intention as far as preparing this...

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